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Poppy Mandala Gift

02-Jun-2020 20:48

Who doesn't love poppies? They brighten up our fields and roadsides and herald the start of summer. These printable Poppy Mandala Meditation Templates are a celebration of this much loved flower. Colouring them is super relaxing and will give you a set of beautiful art in return, including a greeting card you can send to friends.
I gift this set … more …

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Send me the free templates now


Preparing for Summer

25-May-2020 17:01

The easing of lockdown is in full swing here in Spain and so are the preparations for summer in earthship land. After weeks and weeks of cloud and rain we have now dropped into full sun and searing summer temperatures. Our water tanks are full and our garden, which I let run riot with wild flowers in the Spring, is now in the process of a major tid … more …

Mushrooms and fungi
Mushroom soft sculptures coming soon

inspired by re-wilding nature

22-Apr-2020 14:09

On International Earth Day 2020 it feels right to share with you my most recent mandala template inspired by wild and wonderful nature. It's star is the wild gladiolus that is now spreading over our re-wilded nature reserve. The patch you see in the photo was just one lonesome flower a few years ago which has now become 20-30 dotted throughout the … more …

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use art to calm your mind

18-Mar-2020 18:00

If you feel your mind needs a break from all the noise, fear and uncertainty of recent days with COVID-19 changing our lives. If you're fidgety and have done cleaning your home top to toe and having a good clear out of your wardrobe for when the charity shops open again.

I'd like to share with you a practice I started last year that may help ca … more …

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learn a new craft skill in 2020

13-Jan-2020 11:06

Even though I've been quiet on the blog scene for months (a year?!) I've not been spending my time sunbathing, oh no! Looking back over the years at all the projects I've made using things I was going to throw out, I see a whole host of goodies to share with you. Things like; … more …

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please send me the FREE robin decoration template


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