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Why paint on tea bags?

13-Aug-2020 08:54

I don't know how many times I've been asked this question. It seemed such a natural thing for me to do when I started years ago, but I guess it does need a bit of explaining.

Firstly, I didn't go out of my way to paint onto tea bags, just as I don't go out of my way to use all manner of upcycled packaging in my art too. It's just something I do … more …

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Mushrooms sprouting from fleece

15-Jul-2020 14:13

The cross-over from wild to domestic, arts to crafts, can be quite blurred for me which follows through into what I create.

As you know we rescued two sheep (and now have 4). After shearing them in May I have the huge task of processing their wool. … more …

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Capturing the colours of nature

15-Jul-2020 12:11

After all the excitement around the media attention last month, this month has started with broken hands and dragging myself out of bed in the mornings.

There's only so much time your body can run on adrenaline before it says enough.

So what's with the broken hands? OK, they're not really broken, they just feel like it (having broken my ankl … more …

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July in your favourite nature reserve

14-Jul-2020 18:24

The caper plant is full of blooms and bees. It's currently giving up pollen to three types of bee - Honeys, Colette's and Small Carders (yes those tiny black bugs in the photo are bees).

These teeny, tiny Ceratinas - small carder bees - are still to be painted as I've only just learnt about them and am trying to get good reference pics. At only … more …

Colette and Carder bees in a caper flower
Colette and Carder bees in a caper flower

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Have you seen us in the news?

21-Jun-2020 11:40

The last few weeks have been so exciting I just have to share with you.

A few weeks ago we were contacted by Monica, a reporter at Insider.com, to do an interview about our earthship home. Apparently interest in alternative living and specifically earthships has been on the rise since lockdown started. Of course we said yes and spent an hour an … more …

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