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Inspired by nature

inspired by re-wilding nature

22-Apr-2020 14:09

On International Earth Day 2020 it feels right to share with you my most recent mandala template inspired by wild and wonderful nature. It's star is the wild gladiolus that is now spreading over our re-wilded nature reserve. The patch you see in the photo was just one lonesome flower a few years ago which has now become 20-30 dotted throughout the upper terraces. The bee man has his hives close by and the air is alive with the sound of buzzing bees doing their stuff, simply magical.

I love the gentle process of watching this reserve re-wild. It can be an achingly slow affair, with drought being the main inhibiter. But then we get a month of cloud and rain with flashes of sun and the whole campo bursts into life, it's a spectacular sight that I feel lucky to witness. And I love sharing it with you, especially now.

gladiolus terrace.jpg
gladiolus greeting card.jpg

New mandala template with greeting card

I'm so happy with this template, the mix of flowers and bees says it all for me. I've been working on creating just the right colour combination as I'd like to make it into a cushion cover, whether that's hand embroidered or professionally printed onto linen is yet to be decided.

Until then I thought you'd like to try it for yourselves. I've made a few improvements to the template format as well as adding an A5 greeting card.

I hope you enjoy it and would really appreciate your feedback - sometimes, especially during lock down, it can feel like there's no one out there. Stay safe and well xxx

p.s. Do you think my fake fur vintage jacket makes me look like a womble? Would be appropriate!

please send me the template


Be a part of re-wilding

If you'd like to help re-wild more land buy a bee print. All profits go towards this project (we get no government grants).

12x12 flights of fancy 1024sq.jpg

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Bee Prints
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