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  Laura Davies Art  

eco makes - from robins to mandalas

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We built our eco friendly earthship home here in Andalucia from trash. Now I create home decor and art upcycling things that would end up in landfill. Learn with me how to turn your trash into treasures.

meditation mandalas

Mandala Colouring Templates

Mandalas are such a good way to calm the mind, their repetitive nature will automatically put you in a place of peace. They're the perfect meditation tool.

I've created a range of Botanical Mandala Templates inspired by flowers and bees from the nature reserve. Bring them to life with your own colour choices and feel the benefits of simply being in the moment.

Yes please, send me the Botanical Mandala Templates now


Christmas decorations

cheeky robin template

These simple robin decorations cut from one drink can are a perfect starter into making decorations and gifts from up cycled drink cans.

Email my free cheeky robins template now


christmas snowflake

coffee packet snowflake

Make these sparkly snowflakes from a used coffee packet. They're easy peasy, lemon squeezy to make, you get two out of one pack and they're free - who doesn't like free Christmas decorations?!

See the free tutorial here

let me know when more eco makes are available


Handmade paper from tea bags

A video tutorial showing how to make larger sheets of paper from tea bags - revealing my secret ingredient.
Sign up to our YouTube Channel to see videos from the Nature Reserve, more crafty tutorials as they get made and funnies from our flock.

Donate to the Keep It Wild Project

Enjoyed these Eco Makes and would like to donate a little to the Keep It Wild project? Thank you!

You can donate securely by credit card through Paypal without having an account with them.

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Please share this page

I spend a lot of time creating free stuff for you to enjoy. It would be so kind if you would help get the word out about Eco Makes to your friends and family.
Wouldn't it be great if we all embraced our inner creativity and learned to make some of our own gifts and decorations out of things we were going to throw out.

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