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Not quite a Christmas story...

18-Dec-2020 15:48

but it does have stars (sort of)

2 weeks ago our one remaining cat, who is getting old and senile, howls us awake at 5am - not for the first time. Dave groans, turns over trying to get back to sleep. I stare up, through the triangular window high above our bed, into the stars beyond.

The double height geodesic dome has 7 triangular wi … more …

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September Sketch Stories

14-Sep-2020 10:43

As the heat of August melts into September our thoughts of keeping cool turn to keeping dry. Cloudy skies cast a softer light turning last months hot reds into honey yellow and cool mauve.


Our birthday month and the month of one of our 4 yearly downpours.

Work stopped on the roof as other work, computer work, took over. Even s … more …

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September in the Nature Reserve

14-Sep-2020 10:08

A silver Lamborghini turned up to do our almond pick! You'll remember that last year we finally, um, finalised the almond field addition to the nature reserve. It has over 200 trees so for our first year we decided to get in the batmobile... … more …

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August Sketch Stories

14-Aug-2020 09:37

As plants dry and die back the bones of the land are revealed. Structures once hidden become seen again. A new landscape emerges. … more …

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August in the Nature Reserve

13-Aug-2020 09:07

Saving birds with nail varnish...
Sunday morning, enjoying a nice cuppa before starting the day when crash! One of the baby shrikes went smashing into the front face windows. We leapt out of bed and ran to the window - are you ok little one? … more …

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Bee Prints
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