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September Sketch Stories

September Sketch Stories

14-Sep-2020 10:43

As the heat of August melts into September our thoughts of keeping cool turn to keeping dry. Cloudy skies cast a softer light turning last months hot reds into honey yellow and cool mauve.


Our birthday month and the month of one of our 4 yearly downpours.

Work stopped on the roof as other work, computer work, took over. Even so, we reached a small milestone - a large section of roof is so close to being ready for it's final covering. But maybe not in time for the rains, oh well, this gentle, slower life has it's drawbacks.

roof top 1024.jpg

Again, I reflect on the contrasts.

The ever present polarity of looking forward to filling our water tanks and wondering if we can keep the floodwaters at bay.

misty mountains 1024.jpg

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As autumn nips the air, the clouds shroud the mountains in drenching mists - fuel for our second Spring. Tips of plants start pushing out fresh green growth as others succumb to their end.

Autumn and Spring are one.

The ground, rock hard from the summer, thirsty, cracking, patiently awaits the storms ready to create Rockpools In The Desert.

rockpools in the desert 1024.jpg

From juicy ripe pears in our seasonal veg box to the mains for a ratatouille (minus toms). Mimi, our new chicken, laying her first egg and more thoughts of water and fish. These are the Sketch Stories from September.

right pear 1024.jpg bishops crown pepper 1024.jpg
red pepper 1024.jpg aubergine 1024.jpg
fishes 1024.jpg chicken egg 1024.jpg

As you can see, some tea bag labels are blank - if you can think of good titles for these paintings pop them in the comments below. All those who comment get an extra 10 entries into the Bee Print Giveaway - even if your suggestion isn't chosen as the title.

To get you started, the two fish paintings are called Don't Be Koi - I love a title with a bit of humour in it :-)

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