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Sneak Peak at work in progress on The Big Cat series

Work in progress on Gravity Sucks
Work in progress on Gravity Sucks

Sneak Peak at work in progress on Gravity Sucks

25-Oct-2016 16:48

I'm not the sort of artist who works to a set timescale. My work has to come from a place deep inside, it needs time to breath and evolve with the passing of time. Art in the slow lane, so to speak.

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I always have a few pieces on the go at the same time. At the moment there are 13 - yes 13! - all at differing stages of their journey. I hang them next to my desk so I can see and feel how they need to develop.

Last week ‘Gravity Sucks', ‘I Wish...' and two other as yet nameless pieces moved along a bit, we're talking sloth pace, but still in the right direction.

They had all been waiting a while for their turn, months even. Sometimes this bothers me, I try to force things along, but I'm learning to hold back as it never works when they're forced. And it sort of goes against the whole idea behind each piece - to draw you into the detail and help you slow your pace, relax your life into a place of peace and stillness as you drink in the details.

Slow stitching by hand
Slow stitching by hand

Charlie, one of our rescue cats, came to give me a cuddle as I worked late into an evening. He sat on my lap for the duration of my work on ‘Gravity Sucks' that session. I think a bit of a statement about the work which is about Clouded Leopards and how their habitat is being lost due to our thirst for palm oil. The Clouded Leopard - the smallest of the Big Cats - is thought to be the link between the Big and Small cats, does Charlie sense this?!!

Cuddles from Charlie as I work
Cuddles from Charlie as I work

The Big Cat Series

Gravity Sucks is part of the ‘Big Cats' series.

I love cats, of all sizes, there's something magical about them. The graceful way they move, the lazy way they look at you, oozing intelligence.

This series focuses on the big cats, one of the most iconic of all the endangered species on this planet. We simply can't let them dissappear, their habitat is what breaths life into our planet, if we lose them we lose ourselves, in so many ways.

A portion of all sales of this piece will go to charities helping protect wild animals and their habitats.

What's your favourite Big Cat?

I'd love to hear which is your favourite Big Cat and why.

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