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Last male Northern White Rhino dies

Last male Northern White Rhino dies

22-Mar-2018 11:44

I wasn't able to speak about this awful news for a few days after hearing about it as it's deeply distressing to me. This is the end of the story that prompted me to create the installation; Million Stitches, Million Wishes. I'd hoped (and intended) during the hours and hours it took me to create each littlle french knot that somehow this endangered animal would be saved from human caused extinction.


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There's obviously hundreds of people doing hands on work to save this rhino (the two remaining females are under 24hr armed guard) and in vitro fertilisation is being talked about to impregnate the last two females in an attempt to re-introduce this sub species. But as well as doing this we need to protect and re-expand their habitats and make killing for horns (or any body parts) a thing of the past. I feel sick everytime I see photos of this, you know the ones I mean.

IMHO there's no point putting a sticking plaster on a cut if the cut is infected. So we need to get to the root of the problem, which is humans, our mindset and our ever expanding population. There are simply too many of us to police everyone's actions, and do we really want to live in a world where our wildlife has to be guarded to be able to survive? I think that would be a very sad, bad world to pass onto our children.

It's normal (and appropriate) to feel angry and powerless when swept along in the juggernaught of modern society with it's shameful values. But we can use these fight or flight feelings to create a positive intention energy.


Being an introvert and an empath I needed to find a way that could work for me to make a difference. I've never been one for frontline activism, big respect for those who are mind you. And I already give money to a number of charities who protect wild animals and their environments. But I really needed to do something myself, in my own small way, after all one of my favourite quotes is Ghandi's “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. That's when the positive intending with the Million Wishes piece started to take shape.

As far as I know I'm just one person on their own doing this, but what could we achieve if we all intended together? If you're feeling angry and powerless too, not really knowing what to do about it, join my web site to hear how I put positive intention into my art practices and how you can incorporate them into your life.

And if you live near The Albar in El Pilar (Almeria Province of Southern Spain) come and join us this Saturday (24th March 2018 at 1pm) for our Earth Hour Positive Meditation where I'll be outlining the positive intending technique. Then at 1.30pm the light's will go out inline with Singapore's Earth Hour event and we'll be doing a positive intention meditation to save the rain forests (and with them the critically endangered Sumatran and Javan Rhinos) of Malaysia, Borneo and Indonesia. Contact me to let me know you're coming as space is limited.

The Sumatran Rhino is also critically endangered

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