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Eco friendly framing methods...

Eco friendly framing methods...

08-May-2018 15:47

How to frame an eco friendly piece of art in an eco friendly way?

That was a huge question for me when I was putting together my Art with Intention exhibition.

I mean, what's the point of using upcycled and natural/locally sourced materials to then put the finished piece in a frame that is anything but eco?


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Of course you can buy conventional frames that are labelled eco friendly;
• look for FSC® certified wood,
• the mount and backing board could be upcycled paper.
• There may even be upcycled plastic frames out there, I'd do a Google search ;-)

For me though I was looking for something completely different, so I experimented with a number of ways to display my art pieces.

You can see the finished solution here in the gallery.

But what about the mini watercolour tea bag paintings?
Presented in a compostable, plant based clear pouch the packaging is very eco friendly.

And below are some ideas of eco ways to display them.

I like to challenge the norm in everything I do (I mean look at where we live!)

I also understand that's not for everyone, get my free framing guide to see tips and tricks for framing your art in a way that suits you.

botanical watercolours.jpg

Please send me the free framing guide


Above and below are photos of a few framing methods I've tried.

The two above are definitely left of field, the first uses an upcycled drinks can and papiermache - great if you're a crafter.

The second uses a twisted branch found on a walk, peeled and waxed, the tea bags are attached with mini wooden pegs to hemp string.

Below a more conventional method.

This was a dated charity shop frame that I lime-washed and waxed to give it a more modern look.

If you're into crafts and want to be part of the Eco Makes group, sign up below. There are tutorials, templates and lots of ideas in the pipeline for making eco accessories for you and your home.


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